Welcome to a world of


Eliminating the inconvenience of stepping away from your computer while it patiently processes your tasks.

About Us

What is one to infinity?

A market place that allows you to rent processing power to improve the efficiency of your computing system.

Our Product

A distributed market place, allowing users to access the full potential of technology from anywhere in the world. Think of distributed computing as a group of computers working together to solve a problem.

  • Allowing users to render projects faster.
  • Easy to use, just sign up and connect.
  • Use cases like: Machine Learning, 3D Modelling/Rendering, Video Rendering, Gaming, Game Production, Data Analysis, IOT, and more.

How it works

The product works by connecting multiple computers together on our network, and distributing tasks into those computers when someone submits a request to the server to have their task completed. The client will be split to account for both sides of that marketing place, we will label them as “Customers” and the “Users” for the purpose of understanding which side is which.